Alarming DIY plastic surgery trend surfaces in South Korea

Posted on January 3, 2014 by

While the stigma surrounding plastic surgery in the United States is certainly on its way out, this growing acceptance is nothing compared to attitudes about cosmetic enhancements in South Korea. The comparatively small nation has truly made a name for itself in this regard, as plastic surgery has become the norm rather than the exception. In fact, some plastic surgeons in Miami even look to trends in the capital city of Seoul to catch a glimpse of the most sophisticated – and often somewhat absurd – trends that may be coming down the pipeline.

Now, on the tail of extreme procedures like jawline shaving, a new fad has surfaced that is considerably more harrowing. NBC recently reported that the pressure to go under the knife has become so strong that young adults in Seoul who can’t afford their desired alterations are resorting to “DIY” procedures.

So far, these treatments aren’t actually invasive. Examples included glasses that keep the wearer’s eyes open in a bid to replicate the effects of double-eyelid surgery. This is just one of many “shape-changing” tools that teenagers in particular are purchasing online.

“The process usually doesn’t involve self-mutilation (although there are exceptions). But cosmetic surgeons insist it is potentially dangerous because it involves trying to contort and manipulate bodies that have not fully matured – offering the potential for harm,” NBC notes.

The temptation to go under the knife is an understandable one given how many images of physical perfection we are confronted with each day. However, without the guidance of a board-certified plastic surgeon, you may be putting your health in danger. An experienced Miami cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Christopher Craft can help make sure you are ready for these procedures, and will work with you to determine the most appropriate treatment.

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