Clinical review of weight loss surgery shows positive results

Posted on December 19, 2013 by

While diet and exercise are usually the best way to get rid of any extra pounds, for some people this approach just doesn’t achieve the results they’re looking for. Cue the rise of medical procedures like lap band surgery, which have made it possible for obese men and women to lose a substantial amount of weight and finally regain control of their figures and their health. 

Much like plastic surgery, medical weight loss has the potential to transform your life for the better. Keep in mind, though, that every surgical procedure has its risks. Recently, a team of physicians conducted a review of existing research on weight loss surgery to determine if its benefits were substantial enough to nullify potential complications for morbidly obese individuals. They ultimately found that going under the knife may be the best option for this population.

“If the data were this good with any other condition, the standard of care for morbid obesity would be surgery,” Dr. Mitchell Roslin, chief weight loss surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, told HealthDay. “We have this ridiculous notion that the next diet is going to be effective – although there has never been an effective diet for people who are severely obese.”

Even after you have undergone this procedure, though, you may still find that you are dissatisfied with the way you look. Dramatic weight loss typically results in excess, sagging skin that contributes to your self-consciousness. If you’ve shed a lot of weight either through surgery or more traditional means, contact Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft to learn more about liposuction, tummy tucks and other procedures that can help you sculpt your figure.

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