How far have we come with non-invasive facial procedures?

Posted on January 13, 2014 by

If the thought of going under the knife makes you cringe, or you’re struggling with signs of aging that don’t yet call for a full face lift, non-invasive injectables can provide an incredible solution. Treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers including Juvederm can truly work wonders by countering the muscle movements and volume loss that lead to an aged appearance. These offerings have made facial rejuvenation much more accessible across the country – and far less daunting – and it’s important to remember that plastic surgeons in Miami are constantly learning more to help fine-tune each procedure.

In fact, one plastic surgeon from Maryland, Dr. Henry Garazo, recently shared an infographic on the evolution of facial procedures that can really help patients gauge just how sophisticated these offering have become.

“We’re light years ahead of where we were with early collagen-based injectables from the 1980s […] there are now several popular dermal fillers that not only plump the skin but also stimulate the body’s production of new collagen, bolstering the skin’s underlying structure,” he said in a press release.

If you’ve been hearing horror stories about botched facelifts and overdone silicone-enhanced pouts for the last 10 or 20 years, now is the time to check back in with a Miami plastic surgeon and learn what today’s cosmetic procedures can really achieve. Don’t let fear or misconceptions hold you back when undergoing a non-invasive treatment can help you love what you see in the mirror each morning! To learn more, contact Miami cosmetic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft.

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