How signs of aging can affect your self-esteem

Posted on November 4, 2013 by

It’s no secret that youth has become a commodity. A smooth, flawless complexion is a coveted attribute at any age, and now more people than ever are taking steps to beat back wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin as they grow older. But what is driving so many men and women to aestheticians and plastic surgeons in Miami? Recently, a team of anti-aging experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) weighed in on this subject.

“Feeling good about what you look like can help you feel better about who you are,” said Josh Klapow, Ph.D., in a press release from the university. Klapow is an associate professor and psychologist, and though he acknowledged that each individual must be happy with themselves on a more fundament level as well, it’s undeniable that the way you perceive yourself physically is also important.

Klapow and Dr. Marian Northington, who specializes in cosmetic dermatology at UAB, both cited the positive results that many people experience after undergoing Fraxel laser treatments, dermal fillers and other procedures intended to reverse signs of aging. More often than not, it can simply be the belief that you look better to others that can bolster your self-esteem after a slump.

Is there a specific aspect of aging or some other physical attribute that is keeping you from feeling your best? If so, contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft today to explore your options. Dr. Craft specializes in transformative procedures like eyelid surgery, Brazilian butt lifts, breast augmentation and more, and can review the pros and cons of these offerings during your in-depth consultation.

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