How we can help you fit into your favorite fall boots

Posted on September 24, 2014 by

It’s almost fall, and even here in warm Miami, stylish women like to occasionally don fashion-forward, seasonal footwear. But particularly curvy or muscular women may find that it is difficult for them to find boots that fit their calves and thighs, making it impossible for them to make the aesthetic statement they want. The good news is that you don’t have to give up on your favorite fall boots! Believe it or not, liposuction can help remove fat, streamlining your ankles, calves, knees and thighs for a slimmer and trimmer appearance. 

Some American women have already transformed their legs using liposuction, with others poised to take the plunge. Dyan, a New York resident who declined to share her last name, tells ABC News that she can’t wait to have the procedure.

“I’ve purchased $200 boots and taken them to a shoe maker to have an extra panel of leather sewn in but it doesn’t look the same and I ended up throwing them out,” she tells the source. “I’m determined to do this.” Glad she has goals…

Dyan tells ABC News that she recently lost a great deal of weight, but that it mostly came off of her upper body. Her legs were harder to slim. That makes her an ideal candidate for liposuction, which is best used to target areas of stubborn fatty deposits that are difficult or impossible to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. 

Are you interested in wearing any cute leather boots that catch your eye? Contact Christopher Craft Cosmetic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation and find out more about getting liposuction in Miami. Christopher Craft, M.D., is an experienced surgeon who can help you get the legs you’ve always longed for! 

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