Is DNA analysis the next step in anti-aging treatments?

Posted on February 21, 2014 by

From chemical peels to laser treatments, the world of anti-aging treatments has certainly evolved over the years. In fact, to age-conscious men and women from past decades, the techniques we use would probably seem like science fiction. With that lens, the latest trend in turning back the clock may not sound so outlandish at all.

Smart Beauty Guide, the blog operated by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, recently covered the rise of DNA analysis as a way to dictate your skincare regimen.

“The [DNA] analysis purports to reveal skin problems you may be predisposed to,” the source states. “For example, if it indicates you’re at risk for skin cancer, you can start using sunscreen and antioxidants to prevent free radical damage. If it says, you’re vulnerable to collagen break down, you can use Retin-A to prevent wrinkles and sagging.”

There is no denying that genetics play a role in skin aging, but what about environmental factors like diet and sun exposure? Undergoing this skin analysis may correctly identify some predispositions, but do they really tell you more about your skin than you can see in a mirror? When it comes to serious diseases like skin cancer, understanding your family history can certainly be helpful, but with so many variables at play, we should all be taking extra care to stay moisturized, eat well and protect our skin from UV-rays.

Even if you are prone to accelerated aging, you can always work with plastic surgeons in Miami to help regain control. For severe signs of aging such as bags under the eyes and wrinkling, contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft to learn more about eyelid surgery, dermal fillers and more.

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