Las Vegas star touts benefits of a nip and tuck

Posted on January 21, 2014 by

No one likes the aging process, whether or not they’re willing to admit it. Even if you proudly declare that you’ll let your hair go gray, and won’t fret over every line and wrinkle, it’s hard not to lament these changes. In fact, we all have different ways of lashing out as we get older, and one Las Vegas star – Frank Marino of “Divas” – recently argued that opting for a rejuvenating facelift is just as valid a response as any.

“Most people’s midlife crisis is to buy a new car, but then they’re stepping out of that new car with an old face,” Marino joked in an interview with Las Vegas Magazine. “I’d rather step out of my car with a new face.”

Marino did just that after his 50th birthday, investing in a full facelift just in time to take the stage. The renowned performer has undergone several cosmetic procedures over the past few years, including rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and other types of male plastic surgery that are also making waves in Miami, and is certainly not afraid to flaunt his enhancements. 

If you’ve been debating a specific procedure, take a note from Marino’s handbook and feel free to treat yourself! Even investing in a minor procedure like dermal fillers can have a dramatic effect on how you see yourself, and that’s all that matters when you look in the mirror every morning. Dr. Christopher Craft is an experienced Miami plastic surgeon who has helped countless men and women feel more comfortable in their own skin. Contact our office today to learn more.

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