Miami Herald: For the best facelift, choose a board-certified plastic surgeon

Posted on November 22, 2013 by

If you have lost definition along your jaw line or have noticed that your face has taken on a sagging, sallow quality over the years, a facelift can be an excellent way to remedy this issue. However, we’ve all seen images of this procedure gone wrong, so it’s understandable to have a few concerns about going under the knife.

Recently, the Miami Herald addressed this issue in a feature inviting readers to pose questions to a board-certified plastic surgeon. One respondent explained that she had a friend who looked phenomenal after getting a facelift, while another looked a bit worse for wear following the same procedure.

“Why do some people look good and some people look terrible when they have facelifts?,” the writer asked.

The answer is simple: The quality of any cosmetic procedure is a direct reflection of the skill and expertise of the plastic surgeon. For that reason, the newspaper advised that anyone considering a facelift should only consider board-certified surgeons, and must conduct further research into their techniques and aesthetic approach to make sure everyone is on the same page.

“It’s all about the surgeon and the surgeon’s aesthetics. It is also about the patient’s desires and perception of what is aesthetically pleasing,” the surgeon explained.

Are you considering a facelift, tummy tuck or some other procedure? If so, it’s in your best interest to consult a plastic surgeon who prioritizes your safety and satisfaction. Contact our office today to learn more about Dr. Christopher Craft.

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