Plastic surgery can help you get a better-looking belly button

Posted on September 22, 2014 by

What’s the ideal belly button shape? According to a recent study, the most attractive versions are small “innies” that are taller than they are wide and with small “hoods” of skin at the tops. The research reinforced similar findings from a 2000 study at the University of Missouri. 

The good news: Even if your belly button is a wide, squat “outie” that ruins the look of your favorite bikini, there is hope! An effective cosmetic surgery procedure can dramatically improve its appearance. 

“I had a botched tummy tuck in 1993 and for years I looked like I had a ‘bum’ in the front of my stomach. I looked like an alien,” 55-year-old Florida woman Elizabeth Shulman tells The Today Show. She recently got a new belly button along with a corrective tummy tuck. “I feel like a new person, and my husband of 30 years is totally delighted with how I look and feel. People who think their belly buttons are just fine are really lucky, but imagine what it’s like if yours is just horrible.”

You may also be a good candidate for belly button surgery, also known as an umbilicoplasty, if you have been pregnant, pierced your belly button and/or lost a significant amount of weight. The operation can also correct scarring and signs of removed tattoos. Some patients choose to have the operation in conjunction with another procedure, such as an abdominoplasty.

If you are interested in getting a better-looking belly button, just contact Christopher Craft Cosmetic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation. Board certified plastic surgeon Christopher Craft, M.D., can help you feel more confident when you hit the beach!

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