Scientists make headway in hair loss battle

Posted on October 23, 2013 by

While male plastic surgery is a great way for men to beat back signs of aging and generally feel better about the way they look, there is one cosmetic issue that plastic surgeons in Miami are still struggling to address: hair loss. 

If you’re struggling with this issue, you’ve probably heard of Rogaine, hair transplants and other treatments – and may have even tried one or two. Often, though, these approaches can prove disappointing, and women typically find that they aren’t even eligible for them. That could all change, however, thanks to a recent discovery by a team of medical researchers.

HealthDay News reports that scientists are working on a way to transplant hair follicles from various parts of the body to take the place of those lacking up top.

“This method offers the possibility of inducing large numbers of hair follicles or rejuvenating existing hair follicles, starting with cells grown from just a few hundred donor hairs,” explained Columbia University professor and study co-author Dr. Angela Christiano. “It could make hair transplantation available to individuals with a limited number of follicles, including those with female-pattern hair loss, scarring alopecia and hair loss due to burns.”

This new treatment option is still in the exploratory stages, and it’s unclear if and when it would become available to men and women in Miami. In the meantime, if there are other physical attributes that you feel insecure about, consider contacting a board-certified Miami plastic surgeon. Dr. Christopher Craft specializes in anti-aging procedures like eyelid surgery and facelifts to help you turn back the clock.

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