Why Silicon Valley CEOS are flocking to plastic surgeons

Posted on March 25, 2014 by

Silicon Valley in California is associated with all things innovative, and is widely seen as Startup Central. This region is the birthplace of some of the most cutting-edge technological advancements, which is why it draws so many talented and entrepreneurial young minds every year. But as exciting as it can be to work in this dynamic atmosphere, there are definitely drawbacks – especially if you’re over 40 years old.

Recently, the New Republic covered the phenomenon of Silicon Valley plastic surgery, noting that many CEOs working in this sector are flocking to plastic surgeons to look as energized as their bright-eyed and bushy-tailed employees. The source notes that Silicon Valley is a hotbed for ageism, as high-profile figures like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerburg have openly equated youth with intelligence and enterprise. This sentiment is pervasive throughout the tech industry, and local plastic surgeons in California weighed on on its effects.

“It’s really morphed into, ‘Hey, I’m [40] years old and I have to get in front of a board of fresh-faced kids. I can’t look like I have a wife and two-point-five kids and a mortgage,” San Francisco plastic surgeon Dr. Seth Matarasso told the source. Often, the answer is to invest in Botox, dermal fillers, eyelid surgery and other anti-aging treatments.

This may be an extreme example of ageism in the workplace, but a growing number of Baby Boomers across the country are feeling the sting of a youth-obsessed culture. For many, opting for plastic surgery isn’t a bid to look young, but rather to appear more rested and capable.

If you’ve been considering a nip and tuck in Miami, you need a board-certified plastic surgeon who understands your unique concerns. Contact Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft today to learn more.

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