Kim Kardashian turns to laser treatment for mini-Mommy Makeover

Posted on February 25, 2014 by

Giving birth can certainly do a number on your figure, transforming your body in ways that no amount of diet or exercise can completely reverse. Though little North West hasn’t reacher her first birthday, reality-star mom Kim Kardashian is already working to eradicate remnants of her pregnancy. The stunning celebrity has been fielding (and denying) plastic surgery rumors ever since she gave birth. However, in a recent episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” Kanye West’s lady-love sought the help of a plastic surgeon to restore her looks post-baby.

Even with a celebrity fitness trainer at your beck and call, there is simply nothing you can do about those pesky stretch marks that can appear along your stomach and breasts after pregnancy. That’s why Kardashian invested in cosmetic laser treatments to get rid of these stubborn imperfections. Never one to shy away from the spotlight, Kardashian underwent the procedure on camera, giving mothers everywhere a chance to see what this treatment entails.

Of course, stretch marks may be the last thing on your mind if your chest and stomach have lost their pre-baby shape. Volume loss and sagging skin are two of the most common frustrations women experience after giving birth, and the Miami Mommy Makeover has been specifically developed to address them. As much as you love being a mother, there is no shame in wanting to feel attractive as a woman too!. To learn more about breast lifts, tummy tucks, liposuction and other Mommy Makeover staples, contact Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft today.

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