Breakup Botox: The latest trend in plastic surgery?

Posted on January 9, 2015 by

It is something that we all inevitably deal with throughout our lives — a relationship isn’t working out and we need to call it off. When this happens, we have a myriad of ways to cope with the heartbreak, from rebounding with somebody new to drowning our sorrows in junk food and bad reality television. There is a new trend emerging, however, among women and men who have just broken off a relationship and need to make a positive change in their lives — cosmetic work.

After suffering a heartbreak, men and women are now increasingly turning to having small amounts of work done, mostly limited to Botox and other non-invasive procedures. The idea behind this is the same as hitting the gym and making various improvements to their physical appearances, to look and feel better after suffering a rejection from somebody that they care about. It is about getting approval from others while out in public, to help improve self-esteem that could have become damaged in the breakup.

“Many New York women give themselves time to be sad, but then they snap out of it, join a gym, and make a Botox appointment. I’ve had patients who say they used to see their therapist, but ‘now I see you,'” said dermatologist Dr. Anne Chapas to the New York Post. Generally the procedures done are $500 and below.

If you are interested in having cosmetic work done, no matter what the inspiration behind the decision, be sure to schedule a consultation with Christopher Craft, M.D., one of the best plastic surgeons in Florida. Call Christopher Craft Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation, and check out the rest of our website to learn more about the services that we offer.

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