Study shows that weight loss my enhance your pleasure in the bedroom

Posted on November 7, 2013 by

In sun-soaked Miami, it’s easy to feel self-conscious about the tiniest amount of extra weight along your hips and thighs – and with the holidays fast approaching, your waistline may be in for a barrage of delicious comfort foods. 

However, even with these looming temptations, a new study from the University of Pennsylvania has provided yet another reason for women in Miami to show a bit of restraint over the next few months. According to HealthDay News, the researchers found that females who lost a dramatic amount of weight through gastric bypass or lap-band surgery experience a notable improvement in their sexual satisfaction up to two years after surgery.

After conducting blood tests on the 106 female participants, the researchers reportedly observed heightened levels of estrogen and other sex hormones. However, they argued that self-confidence may also play a substantial role in the benefits these women cited.

“Are improved hormone levels creating this rapid improvement, or is it that they are feeling better about themselves? Or is it a combination of the two?” posited study leader David Sarwer, a professor at the university.

If you have lost a substantial amount of weight, but still don’t feel comfortable with the way you look, you may be a great candidate for plastic surgery in Miami. With a dramatic change in size comes a whole array of unforeseen physical concerns like sagging skin and stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge. Dr. Christopher Craft is a board-certified Miami plastic surgeon who specializes in bodysculpting procedures like tummy tucks, liposuction and more, so you can finally revel in the spoils of your hard work.

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