The most popular plastic surgeries over the last six years

Posted on November 24, 2014 by

When the Great Recession hit the American economy six years ago, many people had to tighten their belts and cut corners where they could, particularly when it came to items and services that are not entirely essential to living. While many might have assumed that this would include plastic surgery, a new report out from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that many parts of the cosmetic surgery industry were not negatively impacted by the overall weak state of the American economy.

The study covered the last 12 years of the industry, the second half of which was the Great Recession. What the report found was that there was actually an increase over this time in the amount of people who went under the knife for minimally-invasive procedures, such as facelifts and other injectables. This was not the case with the more intense procedures, such as tummy tucks or breast augmentations, which saw a slight slump over the last couple of years, but have since picked back up as the economy has improved.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons believes this study will be very useful for medical professionals across the country, as they will be able to offer services that will keep their practices stable even in the most dire of economic circumstances. The report believes that there was no hit to the simpler procedures because people are always willing to pursue beauty when they can, even if it means spending a little bit more of their money than they may have originally anticipated.

If you are interested in going under the knife, be sure to schedule and appointment with the best plastic surgeons in Miami at Christopher Craft Cosmetic Surgery!

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