3 tips for selecting a plastic surgeon

Posted on June 20, 2014 by

Few decisions are more important than choosing a cosmetic surgeon. A good plastic surgeon will dramatically improve your looks while also making sure you receive expert medical care. This requires a unique skill set, combining an artistic sensibility with scientific aptitude. Here are some tips for finding the cosmetic surgeon who is right for you:

Ask questions

Good doctors always welcome questions from patients, so never be afraid to ask! Allowing an inexperienced or unqualified doctor to operate on you could leave you with permanent physical damage. Your appearance and health are at stake, so do your homework.

Check the facility

Look for a well-trained staff and a certified surgical center that is owned and operated by a licensed physician. Remember, no discount is worth putting your looks and your safety at risk. 

Ensure the surgeon is board-certified

You should only trust your body, face and health to a board-certified plastic surgeon. This means that he or she graduated from an accredited medical school, passed rigorous exams and completed three years of general surgery, three years of plastic surgery residency and two years of professional practice. There are no short cuts to becoming certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, which means your doctor is less likely to take short cuts when it comes to your health. 

Christopher Craft, MD, is one of a select few Miami plastic surgeons fully trained in general surgery, trauma surgery and plastic surgery. Dr. Craft also has a profound and abiding interest in the art and craft of cosmetic improvement. When you choose Dr. Craft as your surgeon, you can rest assured that you will see exceptional aesthetic results while also receiving the very best medical care. Call today to schedule an initial consultation. We can help you look and feel your best!

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