Does your backside reflect your brain power?

Posted on December 5, 2013 by

There are plenty of assumptions that people make about a woman (or a man) with a sizable backside, but it’s rare that anyone thinks of brain power first. However, there is scientific evidence indicating the a curvaceous derriere could be linked to a higher IQ. 

The Smart Beauty Guide – a blog launched by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – recently showcased this research, citing a 2007 study conducted by the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Pittsburgh. According to the source, researchers found that “curvy girls consistently outscored their skinny counterparts on intelligence tests. And there is icing on the cake. Children of curvier women outscored the children of slender moms too.”

The potential reason behind this link is that a larger backside was associated with higher stores of omega-3 fatty acids, the compounds that give fish its reputation as a “brain food.” 

So while more voluptuous women may be recognized for their sex appeal, it’s clear that brains and beauty can definitely go hand in hand. After all, sultry stars in including Beyonce, Kim Kardashian and J.Lo have expertly managed their own media empires, and all have certainly taken advantage of their inherent aesthetic appeal in the process!

Unfortunately, though, not everyone has been blessed with such striking curves. If you’ve always wanted a bigger booty but could never get the results you hoped for with diet and exercise, contact Dr. Christopher Craft today to learn more about Brazilian butt lift surgery. Dr. Craft is a board-certified Miami cosmetic surgeon who has helped countless men and women attain a more attractive derriere.

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