How to get cheekbones like Angelina Jolie in ‘Maleficent’

Posted on July 15, 2014 by

Angelina Jolie was the leading lady in Disney’s remake of Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, but you could argue that her cheekbones stole the show. The dramatic angles of Jolie’s face are generating lots of media buzz, with women across the country asking: “How can I get cheekbones like Maleficent’s”?

For the film, makeup artists dramatized the star’s already killer bone structure using prosthetic enhancements and strategically applied make-up. Articles in major publications from The New York Times Magazine to Vanity Fair have shared how to use highlighting and contouring creams and powders to create the illusion of more definition in your face, but what if you want to look more like Maleficent all the time?

It’s possible to get long-lasting results using a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments. One patient told Time Warner Cable News that she was inspired by Jolie’s Maleficent character to get facial injections after a conversation with her cosmetic surgeon. 

“We were joking that it’d be great to have those cheekbones, and she mentioned that was something I could actually do,” the woman told the news outlet. 

Christopher Craft Cosmetic Surgery can provide you with facial fillers to safely and effectively enhance your cheekbones. We only use injections that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Remember, even minimally invasive cosmetic procedures should only be administered under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon. It’s not worth cutting corners or costs when your looks, your health and even your life are on the line! 

Christopher Craft, MD, is one of the best plastic surgeons in Miami, with years of experience helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals safely, discreetly and effectively. Call today to schedule an initial consultation!

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