Male plastic surgery: Isn’t it about time?

Posted on March 18, 2014 by

Male plastic surgery is on the rise across the country, and while some people may be unnerved by this shift, it may actually represent an equalizing in the way men and women present themselves. For generations, cultural stereotypes have reinforced the idea that women must primp and preen while men simply lie back and assess the goods. While plastic surgery should never be undergone expressly to attract a partner, it’s still nice to see that men not only have concerns about their looks – but are taking pride in them like never before.

“Growing up, I heard that male animals and birds put on displays to attract a mate, but for humans it was the other way around — women work to attract us,” writes Brian Gresko of the lifestyle website Babble. “This was an element of male power and confidence; we didn’t have to worry about aging.”

Gone are the days when men could get away with slumming it, as magazines like GQ clearly attest. There is nothing wrong in wanting to look your best, and the rise in male cosmetic surgery simply illustrates that more men feel comfortable owning up to their insecurities and taking active steps to correct any physical flaws. The best plastic surgeons in Miami will recognize this fact, and work with patients to ensure they make the best choice for their health and happiness.

If you have been considering plastic surgery for men in Miami, there is no time like the present to start exploring your options. Dr. Christopher Craft is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has helped men and women enhance their appearance through tummy tucks, liposuction, eyelid surgery and more. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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