Benefits of Mommy Makeover

Posted on May 17, 2020 by

During pregnancy, fat accumulates in strategic areas of a woman’s body to provide a cushion for the developing baby. Breasts add volume to prepare for the many days and late nights of nursing to come.

Months later, some unwanted side effects of these natural changes may be apparent: excess weight, surprising new body proportions, stretched or folded skin, and deflated breasts. At this point, many patients of experienced Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft begin to wonder about effective plastic surgery procedures to restore a fit, youthful profile. The answer for many is mommy makeover.

An Array of Choices

Women can expect to gain 25 to 35 pounds when pregnant. Most of the added weight is fat that accumulates in the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and breasts. As your stomach expands, the abdominal muscles stretch and may even separate. This loss of integrity in the abdominal wall creates a bulge that weight loss alone cannot eliminate.

Meanwhile, the skin gives way to accommodate the expanding abdomen, breaking down collagen and creating stretch marks. After delivery, your body will begin to lose much of the weight you gained, but fat will often stubbornly linger in areas that were once fit and trim. Rapid weight loss in the breasts may actually lead to sagging or an unwanted “pancake” look.

Dr. Craft offers proven solutions for each of these common post-pregnancy issues. His mommy makeover arsenal includes liposuction, to target specific areas of stubborn fat; abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, to repair the abdominal wall and pare away excess folds of skin; breast lift to restore the natural profile and firmness to breasts; and breast implants to compensate for lost volume.

The Test of Time

For new moms, the first step in choosing a procedure is to allow your body time to bounce back after pregnancy. Dr. Craft recommends waiting at least 6 months after childbirth to see how much of the weight and shape of pregnancy was temporary, and how much might need a surgical solution. Your genetic inheritance has a lot to do with whether your body quickly returns to its pre-pregnancy profile, or whether your new dimensions are the new normal.

If you would like more information about mommy makeover, schedule a personal consultation with experienced Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Craft today.

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