Botox gets the official go-ahead from the FDA for this wrinkle

Posted on September 16, 2013 by

In an official news release that may come as a surprise to men and women in who have sworn by Botox from a Miami cosmetic surgeon for years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally certified these injections for the treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles – the pesky creases around the eye and so many of us develop as we age. So, what exactly has been going on this whole time? 

The FDA is tasked with ensuring that drugs and related medical treatments actually live up to their advertising. Botox injections were first approved by the FDA more than 10 years ago, but that was specifically for their ability to smooth out frown lines between the brow. Now,  a press release from the government organization indicates that these injectables have also passed muster when it comes to moderate to severe crow’s feet.

“This additional indication will provide people with a new FDA-approved treatment option for those seeking a smoother appearance by temporarily minimizing the appearance of crow’s feet at the sides of the eyes,” said FDA director of the Division of Dermatology and Dental Products Dr. Susan Walker. 

With this appraisal, Botox injections have officially become the only FDA-approved remedy for crow’s feet wrinkles. Have you been considering this treatment, or some other anti-aging procedure like dermal fillers or eyelid surgery? If so, consider contacting Dr. Christopher Craft today. Dr. Craft is a board-certified Miami plastic surgeon who can help you determine the best options for you to enhance your appearance with minimal risk.

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