Should You Add Liposuction to Your Tummy Tuck?

Posted on November 11, 2018 by

Adding liposuction to tummy tuckMany patients considering tummy tuck are also interested in undergoing liposuction to maximize their results. But the decision to combine the two procedures is not black and white. Each patient is different as are their needs and goals.

Here, Dr. Christopher Craft explains when it is a good idea to add liposuction to tummy tuck, as well as the benefits of a combination procedure.

Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Can Produce More Comprehensive Results

Tummy tuck is designed to excise loose skin, as well as tighten weakened or damaged muscles on the abdominal wall. Liposuction is a fat removal procedure that focuses on eliminating surplus fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Because tummy tuck does not address fat deposits, adding liposuction can produce superior results if unwanted fat is present. What’s more, Dr. Craft can perform liposuction on the waist, hips and flanks to create a more contoured and slimmer waistline.

In addition to more noticeable results, combining liposuction and tummy tuck offers numerous additional advantages. Undergoing the two procedures at the same time means you only need to schedule one surgery and go through one recovery period. Having only one recovery period means taking less time off from work and your normal routine in the long run, and allows you to see your final results sooner. A combination procedure also cuts down on some of the costs associated with surgery (e.g., anesthesia and facility fees).

A liposuction and tummy tuck combination procedure may also eliminate the need for post-surgical drains. In traditional tummy tuck, drains remove natural fluid that builds up between the abdominal wall and the healing tissues. In a combination procedure, Dr. Craft can use a layered suturing technique that secures the skin to the underlying abdominal wall, leaving little room for fluid buildup to occur.

Adding liposuction to a tummy tuck surgery isn’t right for everyone. For some people, unwanted skin and fat go hand in hand, so a combination procedure makes sense. However, if you don’t have any fatty deposits in the midsection, then a sole tummy tuck procedure may be enough to give you the flatter and firmer abdomen you want.

Dr. Craft will tailor your cosmetic treatment plan to achieve the specific results you want. To discuss your aesthetic needs and goals, please schedule a consultation. Contact (305) 596-9700 today.

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