The Key to Lasting Liposuction Results

Posted on May 25, 2021 by

Liposuction in MiamiLiposuction is a safe and effective solution to remove unwanted body fat and create attractive curves. If you have been unable to shape certain “problem” areas such as your stomach, arms or thighs, liposuction can help.

When you commit time and money to liposuction, it is understandable that you want your results to last as long as possible. But in spite of what liposuction can accomplish, the surgery alone cannot prevent your body from changing in the years following the procedure. To prolong the life of your liposuction results, you will need to be mindful of your lifestyle choices and practice good habits on a daily basis.

Read on as Dr. Chris Craft reveals more about how to enjoy lasting liposuction results.

Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

After your liposuction surgery, you will receive a set of post-operative instructions that include how to care for your incisions, activity limitations, medications to take to prevent complications and other helpful healing tips. These guidelines have been developed over Dr. Craft’s many years performing liposuction surgery, and he has found that by following these instructions, patients are much more likely to heal without problems and enjoy lasting results.

If you have any questions about the guidelines that you receive, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Craft or a member of our team for clarification.

Weight Maintenance

Another key to making your liposuction results last a long time is to maintain a stable weight. Gaining or losing a few pounds here or there will not make much of a difference, but substantial fluctuations in weight can undo some of what the liposuction procedure has accomplished.

Eat a nutritious diet low in fat, sugar and processed food, practice portion control and get regular exercise. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that your liposuction results actually give you the motivation you need to keep weight off.

A Healthy Lifestyle

Focusing on healthy lifestyle habits can also play a part in prolonging the longevity of your results. For instance, high levels of stress can lead to poor decisions that cause weight gain. By identifying and managing stress in your life, you can reduce your chances of weight gain.

Another healthy lifestyle habit to adopt is staying hydrated. Drinking lots of water can help you feel fuller and reduce your appetite. And, although it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water can actually reduce water retention and water weight.

At the plastic surgery practice of Dr. Chris Craft, our goal is to provide treatments that help you look and feel your best every day. For more information about maintaining the results of your liposuction long term, please call or email us.

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